Monday, June 7, 2021

Ana on the Edge--"I don't want them to think girl, but I don't want them to think boy either"

Title: Ana on the Edge

Author: A.J. Sass

LGBTQ+ Representation: Main character is nonbinary, secondary characters are gay and transmasculine.

What it’s about (in 75 words or fewer): Twelve-year-old Ana-Marie is a junior figure skating champion. Yet she does not feel comfortable when her new skating outfit has a skirt: she doesn’t feel girly. Ana meets Hayden, a transgender boy who assumes Ana is also a boy. Ana finds comfort in a boyish identity but isn’t sure it fits how she feels either. Will living her truth ruin her skating career?

What I think (in 250 words or fewer): What sticks with me a lot about this book is how super mature and responsible Ana is, especially for a twelve-year-old. She and her mother, who has sacrificed to help Ana become a successful skater, have a great relationship.