Last summer, I put together a presentation recommending books for a group of parents with gender nonconforming/trans children. I reviewed and recommended eight picture books and thought I would post about them. Picture books can be enjoyed by all ages!
Author: Peter Brown
What it’s about: Fred enjoys running around naked. But then he must get dressed. Should he dress like Dad? Dressing like Mom is more fun, and it’s even more fun when Mom, Dad, and even the dog help him do his makeup.
What I think: I might actually be four years old because I laughed hysterically at naked Fred, streaking through the house. Fred is just adorable, although I really don't miss the toddler phase of refusing to get dressed. Fred's parents are understanding, they do not judge him, and they help him put on jewelry and do his makeup. This book is just overall adorable (and there's a little nakey-butt surprise at the end!).
Memorable quote/passage from the book: “She begins doing her makeup and her hair. Fred watches closely and follows along. The whole family joins the fun.”
This book is too new to be on a Rainbow List--watch this space!
Title: It Feels Good to Be Yourself
Author: Theresa Thorn
What it’s about: This book explains gender identity in simple language. Discusses cis, trans, and nonbinary gender identities.
What I think: I love how it stresses that you are okay the way you are and that you are loved. I also like the diversity in the illustrations.
Memorable quote/passage from the book: “Your feelings about gender are real. Listen to your heart.”
This book is too new to be on a Rainbow List--watch this space!
Title: I'm Not a Girl
Authors: Maddox Lyons and Jessica Verdi
What it’s about: Nobody seems to understand that Hannah is not a girl, until he sits down with his parents and explains. He is then able to live as himself.
What I think: I like that it’s autobiographical, simple, and to the point--and also that it’s similar to my son’s story.
Memorable quote/passage from the book: “I’ve spent all year wishing, but birthday wishes are the most powerful. I close my eyes and feel the warmth of the candles on my face. I wish . . . everyone saw the real me.”
This book is on the 2021 Rainbow Book List.
Title: My Rainbow
Authors: Trinity and DeShanna Neal
What it’s about: Trinity, a trans girl, knows that not all girls have long hair, but she really wants long hair. Her mother creates a wig for her with rainbow colors. Now Trinity has her own rainbow!
What I think: Simple and adorable, and I love how the family works together to create the rainbow for Trinity. I liked how Trinity’s autism is also mentioned as just another part of her.
Memorable quote/passage from the book: “People don’t care if cisgender girls like you have short hair. But it’s different for transgender girls. I need long hair!”
This book is on the 2021 Rainbow Book List.
Title: Born Ready: The True Story of a Boy Named Penelope
Author: Jodie Patterson
What it’s about: Penelope is really a boy, and he acts up so that his family will hear him. His family and friends and karate buddies are supportive of him.
What I think: Longer, so for older readers of picture books. I love his grandparents from Ghana, and how Penelope's parents explain to Penelope's older bother that accepting Penelope is about love; it doesn’t have to make sense. Many adults I know need to learn this: you don't have to understand someone's identity; it may not "make sense" to you, but you accept the person anyway.
Memorable quote/passage from the book: “If they’d all stop and listen, I’d tell them about me. Inside I’m a boy. When I close my eyes and dream, I’m a boy. When I karate-chop the bad guys, I. Am. A. Boy."
Title: The Gay BCs
Author: M.L. Webb
What it’s about: For each letter of the alphabet, an LGBTQ+ term or adjective is described with a memorable rhyme.
What I think: Super adorable and appropriate for young children all the way through adults. Includes a helpful and useful glossary.
Memorable quote/passage from the book:
V is for VOGUE.
Time to strike a pose;
dance to the music,
and put on a show!
This book is too new to be on a Rainbow List--watch this space!
Title: Red
Author: Michael Hall
What it’s about (in 75 words or fewer): No matter what Red does—he can only color blue! Will the other crayons accept him for who he is on the inside?
What I think (in 250 words or fewer): Red teaches you to be true to yourself and not always accept the labels that others give you. When Red accepts that he is blue, he shines; he is confident.
Memorable quote/passage from the book: "‘He’s really reaching for the sky!’ And he really was.”
This book is on the 2016 Rainbow Book List.
Title: What are Your Words?
Author: Katherine Locke
What it’s about: Ari introduces his uncle and friends with their words (pronouns and descriptions) but can’t figure out what words are his today! What feels right?
What I think: I like how the book uses a simple story to teach about different pronouns. I learned some new ones! Also, I like how the story emphasizes that sometimes your pronouns can change.
Memorable quote/passage from the book: “My pronouns are like the weather. They change depending on how I feel. And that’s okay, because they’re my words.”
This book is too new to be on a Rainbow List--watch this space!
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