Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The Dangerous Art of Blending In--"Maybe the only real ugliness is what lives inside some people."

Title: The Dangerous Art of Blending In

Author: Angelo Surmelis

LGBTQ+ Representation: Main characters are gay

What it’s about (in 75 words or fewer): Evan is the only child of Greek immigrant parents: an abusive mother who sees him as a "disappointment" and workaholic father who avoids all conflict. Evan escapes in his art and writes about his pain in his journals, and it takes Evan falling in love with his best friend Henry to realize that he deserves more than his mother's harsh words and physical violence; he is capable and deserving of love.

What I think (in 250 words or fewer):
 When I was about ten, I read Don't Hit Laurie!, which made a lasting impression because of its vividly terrifying descriptions of child abuse. My mom was NOTHING like Laurie's mom in that book, yet I read it over and over because it was morbidly fascinating and still memorable thirty years later.

I have reviewed books with terrible parents and been horrified by many of them, but none have upset me as much as the way Evan's mom treats him in The Dangerous Art of Blending In.

Friday, October 4, 2019

"You didn't think this was the end of the story, did you?"--Books that need sequels

Top 10 Most-Wished-For Sequels
I just bought a long-awaited sequel today, I have another one on order, and I literally squealed with excitement when this one was announced! (And if this one ever becomes a reality, I will be so, SO overjoyed). Ooh, and I almost forgot about this upcoming one!

Clearly, I enjoy a good sequel, so let's ignore the 20 or so books in my to-be-read pile and the 10 in my I've-read-but-still-need-to-review pile and talk about the books that need sequels. Sometimes, I am just so in love with the characters, universe, and/or plot that I need MORE.

I need to know what happens next for these beloved people whose lives I've shared through the pages of their stories. I would camp outside of a bookstore to buy these sequels, like us older people had to do for concert tickets in the pre-Internet dark ages.

In fact, most of these books had me have immediately visiting Archive of Our Own to see if there are any fanfictions about these books, and if there are, I will link to the pages.

Uma said it best.

In alphabetical order, here are my top 10 most-wished-for sequels: