Author: Lisa Williamson
What it’s about (in 75 words or fewer): David feels that he* is really a girl and really wants to tell his* parents--before it's "too late" and David develops into a man. Leo is a new kid at school, and when he sticks up for David in a fight, he and David become friends, and David discovers Leo's big secret.
What I think (WAY OVER 250 words): Massive spoilers in this review. Also, I couldn't keep to my own limit of 250 words. Also also, this review is from my point-of-view as a cis person raising a transgender son (as are ALL of my reviews).
I found this book by accident. I was looking for a completely different book, but then I found The Art of Being Normal lying by itself in the wrong section. Like a good librarian, I picked it up to re-shelf correctly, but then read the blurb on the back and was excited to have found it! My trans-son is only in second grade, but I really want him to be able to find books to relate to when he is older.