Sunday, November 7, 2021

"The whole family joins the fun!"--Picture book recommendations

Last summer, I put together a presentation recommending books  for a group of parents with gender nonconforming/trans children. I reviewed and recommended eight picture books and thought I would post about them. Picture books can be enjoyed by all ages!

Thursday, November 4, 2021

In Deeper Waters--"Tal would've thought it was a fairy tale if not for the sand in his collar, the water in his boots, and the ache of his body"

Title: In Deeper Waters

Author: F.T. Lukens

LGBTQ+ Representation: Main characters are queer

Content Warning: Violence, near-drownings

What it’s about (in 75 words or fewer): Prince Tal has spent his life isolated from the rest of the kingdom in order to hide his magic, something that is seen as extremely dangerous (especially after what his grandfather did). On his coming-of-age boat trip, Tal saves Athlen, who mysteriously survives a dive off his ship. Tal can't stop thinking about Athlen: could he be the one who accepts Tal for who he is, magic and all?

What I think (in 250 words or fewer): I haven't blogged in months; I have read a lot of good books but just couldn't bring myself to write about any of them, until now. I enjoyed this story so much I thought it would be a great way to ease back into regular blogging. And I did it!