Author: David Levithan
What it’s about (in 75 words or fewer): Paul's high school is different than the average high school--PFLAG is more popular than the PTO; the cheerleaders ride Harleys; the homecoming queen/football quarterback is a drag queen called Infinite Darlene; LGBTQ students' romances are treated like any other gossip-worthy high school couples. Paul meets Noah and really likes him but messes things up. The school bookie says the odds are 12 to 1 against Paul getting Noah back. Can Paul prove him wrong?
What I think (in 250 words or fewer): Also in the world of the book, the Homecoming pep rally is called the Homecoming Pride rally (with a quiz bowling team featured), the GSA was formed to help the straight kids learn to dance, and the janitors are super rich due to their on-school-site stock market trading. I don't know about the teachers, but I'm sure they are millionaires. I want to live in this world.
The story is a typical Sweet-Valley-High-style one. Paul meets Noah, Paul's ex-boyfriend Kyle comes back, Kyle kisses Paul, Noah is angry, Paul wins Noah back with romantic gestures. Friendships are lost and fights occur over boyfriends and girlfriends, all while the main characters are working together to plan the big high school dance!
The world is not always sunny: Tony's ultra-religious family doesn't approve of him being gay, but Tony loves them so much he's staying with them to help them change. Kyle thinks he's straight and dumps Paul before the story, but then figures out he's bisexual.
Joni is Paul's best friend but is dating Chuck, and Chuck is trying to make Infinite Darlene jealous. But they all find love and happy relationships at the end, just in time for the big dance!
Between Sweet Valley High and Saved by the Bell, I was given a very inaccurate idea of what high school would be like. I'm still waiting for the BIG DANCE these books promised me. I'm sure it will be life-changing and remembered for all-time. 😁
My grade: Hmmm. I don't know how to grade this one. Did I enjoy it? Absolutely! Was it revolutionary? Depends on what you mean--can a book that is such a stereotypical teenage story be revolutionary? Maybe, since it contains mostly LGBTQ characters. Would I recommend it for those who want a fun, light-hearted read. Sure. Would I recommend it for someone who wanted something realistic with some angst? Nope.
I will rate it B. It was very good.
Also, I keep accidentally typing David Leviathan. That would be a cool last name.
My favorite quotes:
- "I know Joni's brought us here because sometimes you just have to dance like a madman in the Self-Help section of your local bookstore" (hardback edition, pg. 3).
- "There are few sights grander at eight in the morning than a six-foot-four football player scuttling through the halls in high heels, a red shock wig, and more-than-passable make-up. It I wasn't so used to it, I might be taken aback" (pg. 15).
- "Kyle is the only straight boy I've ever kissed. (He didn't realize he was straight at the time.)" (pg. 18).
- "'I swear if you weren't an Old Navy-wearing lesbian Club Kid, I'd probably kiss you right now.'
Amber's laugh stops. She looks around to see if anyone's heard. . .
'I'm sorry,' I say.
Amber waves me off. 'It's okay. It's just that I'm not . . . well, I don't like to think of myself as . . . a Club Kid.'" (pg. 142).
Other reviews: Charley Cook (YouTube) and The Guardian
This book is available in the Greensboro Public Library.
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